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The Familiar is a bi-monthly broadsheet and mailing which offers an essay about different aspects of STA, accompanied by pictures, scraps of verse &c all of which, we hope, will encourage you to 'STA ET CONSIDERA MIRACULA - stand still and consider the wondrous things' around us.

Why is it called The Familiar? because a familiar is a trustworthy companion, a member of the household with no fixed role; because all that is printed here, however radical or startling it may seem, will deep down be familiar as things we once knew before we were educated and informed out of them; because ‘familiar’ suggests family, reminding us that all living things are kinfolk; because, like a familiar, STA stays with you. In the most mind-numbing meetings it reassures us of deeper realities, on the hills or the streets it intensifies them. 

Because a familiar can work magical transformations.


You can sign up here to receive The Familiar for free as a mailshot. Print copies are available via the shop page here. Needless to say, we won't pass on your details or send you any other rubbish.

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